Addict or User?

Dear Pen Pals, What is the distinction between a drug "addict" and a drug "user" and why is the language important? We asked Samona Marsh, a member of Megaphone’s Speakers Bureau team, to answer this question. Marsh has lived experience with poverty and drug use.
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Should we be calling it an overdose crisis?

Dear Pen Pals, For a long time, we have referred to the overdose crisis when we describe the devastating drug crisis that has the place we call Vancouver—and beyond—in its grip. I am interested in whether the word “overdose”  accurately describes what is really taking place and whether its use...
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Mixed feelings about giving cash to panhandlers?

Dear Pen Pals, Q: I have mixed feelings about giving cash to panhandlers. Does it help or hurt? Isn't it better to give them things they might need, such as food or clothing? What about gift cards? If I give money, won't they just spend it on drugs or alcohol?...
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Finding housing

Dear Pen Pals, I often see people sleeping on the streets but I heard there are a lot of shelters and housing available. Why do people remain homeless? We asked Richard Young, a member of Megaphone’s Speakers Bureau team, to answer this question. Cronk has lived experience with homelessness, panhandling and drug...
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Vancouver, BC
V6A 2T2